Peter S3029 January 2008 at 11:56 #47167
Hi all,
if you have an image that you want to upload, you can optimize a few things:
1. the image size in pixel should not be to small (e.g. about 1000 pixels wide is good if there are some details in the image) otherwise the quality is bad when somebody downloads it
2. but the size it needs to store should be small. For this save it as .jpg on your computer before uploading (not .png or .bmp)
3. and save it with stronger compression (in most image programs you can set this under “options” before saving). It is impressing how much a .jpg can be compressed with still good quality.
if you have problems with this find somebody who prepares the image like that for you or mail it to me (click on my name, send Email to) and I will compress it and mail it back (this service will have to end if your images are becoming to many 😉 ).
Peter S3010 September 2010 at 14:00 #47894Remark:
The upload of images is not very fast. First you see it connecting second uploading. Do not be to unpatient otherwise your images will not appear and you have to do it again.
If your image is to big (above 200kB) most imaging software can save it smaller. You first can reduce the amount of pixels (we do not need the 10Megapixel your camera provides). After that you can use a good jpg compression.
My son created a little programm that can reduce the size of a whole selection of images at once to the desired pixel size and degree of compression. Here you can download his little program to resize your images (needs .NET framework 3.5): http://pictureresize.origo.ethz.ch/download. The program is german and english he only has forgotten to translate the start button which reads “Los!”= “go!”
Christian10 January 2011 at 12:20 #47976Hi, thanks for the link Peter. Uploading images onto any web forum is certianly not easy at the moment. Uploading an image as an attachement has restrictions in size but is the simplist way initially. The best way is to have an account on a photo website such as ‘Flickr’ or ‘Photobox’, this is an online store for your photos. Each photo when stored online has a code which you can insert when you click the ‘Image’ icon when composing your thread (message). So it looks something like this before you submit (but without the gaps);
[ img ] http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5286/5335793147_3bd7087261_z.jpg [ /img ]
It is complex but when you have done it once it is fairly straight forwards and more enjoyable / user friendly for everyone.
Peter S3020 April 2011 at 07:52 #48166Description for direct image upload again, it is not really difficult:
you edit your post, below the field of text to post is “Attachements” press on “Manage Attachements”, it opens a new window for up to 5 files to be uploaded. At the right side of the empty fields is a button “Browse”. When you click it you can browse your computer and select the file to upload. You can repeat that for each of the 5 files. After that press “Submit” in the Manage Attachements window. It takes several seconds to upload. When successfull you will find the uploaded files listed in that window, press “Close Window”. In the end press “Submit” for the post itself.
Anybody still having problems: let me know where you are stuck
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