• Tim Parker
    5 July 2010 at 17:50 #47835

    Good evening Lags…

    I am desperately searching one or a pair of sidelight stalks for my car. I have one (driver’s side) which I bought from an auto-jumbler who had just sold the other of the pair! The Great Lagonda Race beckons, so I am a bit up against it… all help much appreciated.


    7 July 2010 at 16:28 #47836

    May be able to help. I have a pair of stalks, replaced by new ones, not very good condition but may get you over your problem.
    Don Courtney (C6)

    Tim Parker
    11 July 2010 at 22:26 #47839

    Many thanks for getting in touch, Don. Looking forward to inspecting the stalks.


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