• Klaus.Klement
    3 December 2007 at 08:07 #46967

    Dear Peter,
    this is a fantastic idea. I hope everybody will participate this new platform to exchange information and stay in contact with all the others.
    Shell we comunicate in English, or in German ?
    Stormy greetings from
    Klaus & Birgit Klement ( J?lich, Germany )

    Peter S30
    3 December 2007 at 09:11 #46969

    Thank you Klaus and Birgit,
    I propose to use English as this increases the number of people joining the discussions by a factor of 10 (for compensation the English have to suffer our English 😉

    3 December 2007 at 11:15 #46971

    O.K. will try it in English. But how do you translate o.k. in English ?

    4 December 2007 at 10:05 #46972

    This is a most welcome idea; the Lagonda Club is rather lethargic and does not even dare to publish articles on technical topics in the Magazine.
    Therefore indeed – congratulations!
    Might I start with a problem I have with my 2L engine which I hope somebody out there might have an answer to.
    I have a twin SU carburetter downdraught cylinder head on the engine. It runs very well but the carbs “spit back” quite a bit of petrol through the air inlets, causing a rather explosive atmosphere under the bonnet.
    Does anyone have an idea what might cause this? Could increased valve overlap cause this or could it be just the inlet valve timing? The car idles and runs very well, can it do so with incorrect valve timing?
    Hans Eekhoff
    Dorset, England

    4 December 2007 at 15:53 #46984

    Hi Peter

    Passed on to some Lagonda owning friends. Not before time. Congratulations.


    Douglas Fox
    4 December 2007 at 17:58 #46985

    Dear Peter,
    Congratulations on this excellent initiative. Hope it will attract a lot of interest and useful dialogue. I have a 1934 T7 16/80 Tourer here in Malaysia and look forward to sharing experiences and information.
    Kind regards,
    Douglas Fox

    4 December 2007 at 18:22 #46987

    Great idea and well presented!

    Best of luck


    4 December 2007 at 20:43 #46992

    Hi guys! Thank goodness you decided on English – I have enough problems with what is supposed to be my natural tongue!

    But where is the Rapier section – we too small for you?


    4 December 2007 at 22:05 #46994

    Well done. This should prove amazingly useful

    Alec Rivers-Bowerman
    5 December 2007 at 06:53 #46995

    Hi Peter;
    Great idea – hope it takes off.

    Tim Gresty
    5 December 2007 at 19:39 #46997

    Congratulations from Lennie the Lagonda (Leonidas – GT 4530 : 2-Litre T2 Low Chassis Tourer) plus keeper.

    We discussed your new venture at our Northern Lagonda Factory Christmas Dinner yesterday evening in Oldham. Lagonda Club President David Hine, Lagonda guru Alan Brown, Lagonda afficionados Nigel Hall, Nick Hine, Mark Butterworth, Ken Bailey, Terry Tratalos, Roger Firth plus yours truly wish you good fortune, and plenty of interesting postings.

    Tim Gresty

    Mark Whitehead
    9 December 2007 at 00:26 #47009

    We applaud your decision and energy creating this forum, and will participate in discussions if we have something to contribute.

    I hope you enjoyed the Contintal rally: just to see seven V12’s lined up would have been worth all the effort (photo on P. 24 of Club’s autumn magazine).

    Again, congratulations.
    Mark and Jim.

    John Hugh
    9 December 2007 at 18:34 #47012

    Dear Dr Schirg,

    Many thanks for pointing me to the new site and congratulations on the initiative and the implementation. It has surprised me in the past that there’s so little Lagonda interest on the web – the Yahoo forum is effectively dead I think. There’s a huge contrast with, say, the A7 situation where there are many good sites and much good information from all round the world. I’m sure this site meets a real need.

    Regarding Hans’ query about 2L carburettors spitting back – I’ll be interested in comments from the experts as I have had the same experience with the HC tourer I’m working on. I suspected camshaft timing also but careful plotting shows a 40 degree overlap which shouldn’t be a problem I would have thought.

    Anyway, congratulations and thanks,


    A M A Lead
    12 December 2007 at 10:12 #47021

    The 2 Litre is very particular as to the hardness of the plugs,if they are to soft the car will misfire in a most dramatic way.You will be pulling nicely up a long hill and suddenly the power will fade followed by banging back through the carbs .This is due to the plug tips becoming incandescent and firing off at will.I suggest a harder plug ,I use NGK A8.Hope this sorts it out

    12 December 2007 at 13:46 #47022

    What do you call “hard” and “soft” concerning plugs; is that identical to “hot” and “cold”…?

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