• Peter S30
    4 December 2007 at 13:56 #46981

    What is your opinion: should the forum be open (readable) for non registered users (like it is now) ? if not you would have to register before you can see the topics

    14 December 2007 at 17:35 #47053

    I think the forum should be open to anyone who has an interest in Lagondas.

    Peter S30
    14 December 2007 at 18:48 #47055

    I was thinking about; open for everybody registered and logged in, I like to see who is in the “room” I prefer seeing the names instead of anonymous guests

    Peter Reeves
    18 January 2008 at 17:34 #47122

    If you only have registered members you will have more control over miss use of the forum

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