Alec Rivers-Bowerman18 August 2014 at 16:19 #50959
While I’m going through my gearbox (ZE) I’m also looking for any reasons why third gear should be as noisy as it is. Since the Z box was later updated with a “silent third” modification, I am guessing that third was always noisy! I’d appreciate any comments on this topic.
AlecColin M3419 August 2014 at 12:00 #50961Hi Alec,
I have a ZE box on my 16/80 drophead and third gear is noisy as well! However it is not as noisy as the 3rd gear on my HC 2 Litre which howls!
I take your point about the “silent third” on the later Z boxes but may I suggest that after the limited sales of the Maybach selector box on 3 litres, Lagonda pushed the Wilson pre selector box? As well as Rapiers and 16/80s, it could also be had on a 3 litre chassis. Perhaps they kept the noisy ZE third so they could push pre selector boxes so they made a little extra profit on the extra cost to customers who complained,
Of course the Wilson box brought its own challenges and maybe some people still wanted a regular box which is why they set about improving the Z box with a slient third.
The Meadows box is quieter.
Alec Rivers-Bowerman21 August 2014 at 06:07 #50965Finished up redoing my gear lever – very happy with the results. I made the new reverse lever & pawl, rod, rod ends and screws out of stainless (the old ones were too pitted to easily salvage).
Alec -
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