
Car Type 14/60
Date in Production 1925 to 1927
Number Sold 1,340 2ltrs built of the 2ltr variants
How many exist today? 24

Technical Details

Track Rear 4ft 6in
Track Front 4ft 6in
Length 13ft 6in
Kerb Weight 31cwt (1600kg)
RAC Rating
Engine Manufacturer Lagonda
Type 4 cylinder in line, overhead valves, two underhead camshafts
Firing Order 1-2-4-3
Carburettor. Zenith 30HZ
Dynamo Rotax/CAV
Bore X Stroke 72 x 120mm
Ignition Magneto - BTH
Displacement 1954cc
Fuel System Autovac from 12 gallon tank
Clutch Single dry plate by Lagonda 11in diametre
Gearbox Lagonda type OH
Coolant water pump, thermostat (no fan)
Specific Output 60bhp @ 4200rpm


The 14/60 was a “clean sheet of paper” design with a new chassis by Eddie Masters and new engine by Arthur Davidson. It appeared at the 1925 Motor Show and caused quite a stir. Two body styles were offered, a tourer and a saloon. But it was undoubtedly the right move for the time. Lagonda were woefully under-financed even though they took on an enormous mortgage to get the new model going, they were never going to match the ever- expanding Austins and Morrises of the period, so the answer was to go up the market where higher prices would not deter buyers since quality and exclusivity told.

Lagonda had really changed markets. At the time a 12/24 tourer was £295 and a saloon £370. The 14/60 which replaced the 12/24, was priced at £570 and £720.

The early 14/60’s tended to have heavy tourer and saloon bodies and had a top speed of 60 mph.

Frank Feeley joins the company straight from school in 1925 and goes to work in the body shop. He will go on to design some of the most elegant Lagonda factory bodies until the 1950s


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