• Alistair Crawford
    17 March 2011 at 07:19 #48118

    The driver’s window on my V12 slides down on its own. I have taken it to pieces and find that the little gear wheel is fine as is the toothed piece which connects to the window slider mechanism. What is worn is the simple mechanism which holds the window in place (or resists an attempt to slide down the window manually). This mechanism is a spring which fits by friction into a housing. When the window winding crank is rotated, the a little lever pushes against one end (either end for up or down) of the spring and this seemingly releases the pressure in the spring and allows the crank to turn and thus raise or lower the glass.

    The worn parts are the spring (flattened off surfaces which presumably reduce its resistance to the inside of the housing) and the inside of the housing (clear tracks caused by the pressure of the spring).

    So questions are – is my understanding of how it works correct? If so how can I repair or replace this part – I cannot remake the spring and adding metal inside the housing won’t be easy although I might be able to insert a thin lining (eg cut a piece from a thin tin can). Do you know of suppliers/repairers of these mechanisms?

    Here are some photos to help (Peter, thanks for assisting me by shrinking these to fit!)

    Attached files

    Peter S30
    18 March 2011 at 13:58 #48123

    I understand the mechanism as follows: The outer side of the spring presses against the inside of the cap when the lever is not turned and is reduced in circumference slightly when turned. If so, I assume you need a new cap. As pressing a new one is to expensive (tooling cost) I would have one made on a lathe. If the walls are a bit thicker (to the outside, assuming it still fits in the door) it is stiffer and even better.
    Alistair: for better understanding you might add the image of the cap too

    Alistair Crawford
    18 March 2011 at 14:11 #48124

    sorry – missed off the photo of the housing showing that it is worn

    Attached files

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