• Julian Messent
    4 April 2012 at 11:44 #48896

    Hi All,
    LMB is now producing a new updated parts catalogue with almost 6000 parts listed, this will be a written catalogue with pictures etc. rather than the old CD rom as we had complaints from several people who were not “computer compatible” and their hard drive was suffering by not being able to read this modern stuff :o)
    I also think a catalogue is much more fun to read on the loo than a plastic disc! (And has dual function before anyone makes a wise crack ;o)

    If you or anyone you know would like a free copy, please drop us a line with your mailing details and we will get one off to you as soon as they appear. [email protected] or phone +32 33540552


    Peter S30
    4 April 2012 at 14:28 #48897

    Dear Julian,
    looking forward to your cataogue for parts from 12/24 to V12, nice that you print it. Everybody who wants one will hopefully mail or call you. Please not by answering to this post on the forum. I also delete the copy of your posts to all specific cars, one announcement will do and is well placed here.

    Julian Messent
    5 April 2012 at 07:27 #48898

    Hi Peter, that’s fine. I added the post in all model sections because I actually hadn’t seen this section until my last post can you believe! 😆

    As long as everyone notices we will all be happy 😉


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