• Philip Stephens
    24 June 2010 at 00:04 #47831

    Ok, not to sure what to press which buttons…anyway, lets start with DB 3 litre.. has anybody got experiance with the alloy alperform head? after welding and stiching my second…! cast head and after a few months experianceing expresso coffee in the water department…would like to keep the proper engine in the car, but needs must, did use a jag engine for awhile, but a little bit too powerful for the back (hypoil)axle..thus…which is the sensible option? ( Wife says sell it!!! ( females do not understand!))

    Peter S30
    3 August 2010 at 07:26 #47856

    Sorry I have no personal experience with alperform heads, still waiting for my 3litre engine to have its test run after rebuilt. The workshop I gave it to (Touring Garage in Troisdorf, Germany, Mr. Bazille) is extremely slow. Engine head was uncracked, block was cracked, they had it laser welded, I will report on the success hopefully later..

    If I would have an engine to be repaired again Tim Stamper might be a good address. Did you ask him on the cylinder heads?
    The Aston Martin forum (amoc.org) is also good for discussion for us for the engine part, because there are more DB2 and 2/4 Astons than respective Lagondas around and it seems they are more active. Here is a citation from one of the threads on their forum for David Brown cars:

    David Birchall 12.5.2010 “I should have said that both David Read and Tim Stamper have been very helpful to me. I just happened to have been communicating with Chris Adams in the past few days… Keith Dixon and Alan Wheatley of Alperform have enormous technical knowledge they are prepared to share-I almost have them on speed dial”

    Philip Stephens
    9 March 2011 at 22:13 #48105

    Dear Peter, Well Done in getting your engine back in working order!!
    Did speak to another club member as regards the ally heads….very expensive plus all the other bits and pieces that will also cost when doing the job….
    …..as I am not an overpayed banker on bonesses or a M.P. on expenses..!…think I will have another go at the “less cracked head” to sort it out…… regards

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