2 March 2015 at 21:31 #51183

    I have finally managed to get around to making more progress on the DB-Lagonda web-site.

    My latest addition is this glorious Gurney Nutting bodied 2.6 saloon, based on LAG/49/16.

    In typical Gurney Nutting style they have encapsulated the best of the pre-war Lagonda, note the tall radiator grill (possibly off one of the VP bodies removed from the EX series prior to D.B. acquisition in 1947). But what really captures my eye, is the swept aerodynamic body and how timeless the back of this car looks.


    Attached files

    3 March 2015 at 12:07 #51184

    I’m not sure if the image does the car justice, especially the apparent slant to the sills which to my eye gives it a broken back look, and the pinched look below the front wing tops which give the impression the top of the car is wider than the chassis, which of course it may well have been. I think also the aesthetic might have been improved if the radiator aperture had leant back abit rather than appearing to lean forwards

    3 March 2015 at 14:19 #51185

    There are a further three images on the web link, do take a look.

    Personally I like the design, so much more inspiring than the standard 2.6 saloon, but that is my opinion of course.

    I suspect that this car has not survived, (famous last words of course), but an interesting design exercise.

    There are several other special bodied cars based on the 2.6 litre chassis, unfortunately with no images as follows:

    Tice & Sons of Bournemouth (unknown) – LAG/49/28 with registration number KRU 339

    Tice & Sons of Bournemouth Saloon – LAG/49/40 with registration number LEL 282

    Grabber of Switzerland dhc – LAG/50/405 registered on 11/1951

    Paterson of Belfast (unknown) -LAG/ 50/196 currently being investigated through contact in Ireland, but may not be the car, unsure at this time

    So there are four more cars/ designs to find. The one which interest me most is the Grabber dhc, I would be interested to see how this differs to the Feeley design.

    3 March 2015 at 16:35 #51186

    Simon, I’ve had a look at the other images you’ve kindly put up and am still not convinced by the car’s lines, it doesn’t have an “integrity” about it but is a mishmash of pre-WW2 themes by GN, for example the additional “hips” and unnecessarily large spats round the rear wheels. And those rear corners look really vulnerable. ..

    The radiator aperture is straight off a Fox & Nichols car, to my eyes slightly (very?) Incongruous

    3 March 2015 at 16:48 #51187

    Interesting by the way that Michael Frostick attributed this car to Leacroft of Egham or was that construction only not design?

    Colin M34
    3 March 2015 at 18:00 #51188


    I am not convinced by the shape – compared with say a Bristol 400 which works better for me.


    Barry Brown
    3 March 2015 at 18:23 #51189

    first impression I got from the thumbnail was that looks weird but after seeing the enlargement and rear 3/4 shot I really like it. Very cool indeed. I would drive that anywhere. Gurney Nutting seemed to dare to be different and I like that.It must have been a knockout in 1949. I am sure to see this car in the flesh it would look even better. I hope it survived or is being resurrected.

    4 March 2015 at 09:26 #51190

    We have a copy of the factory record and it clearly states Gurney Nutting. I noted the reference in Frostick, and double checked with the Lagonda authority, who also states G,.N.

    I think the pictures doesn’t do the car justice, probably nicer in the flesh to so to speak

    4 March 2015 at 12:23 #51191

    I’ve always felt car styling lost its way in the immediate post war period. The war of course interrupted continuity, and American influence became stronger, hence the number of bloat-mobiles that appeared to blight our roads.
    This creation to me illustrates perfectly that “lost way”, it seems a mixture of styles…I suspect it might have looked better on the drawing board. So glad you directed us to the other pictures. The rear end is indeed pretty attractive, whereas, perhaps more so with pre war cars, the front is gorgeous and the rear an afterthought.
    Agreed it would be fairer to see it in the flesh. For years, I considered the DB Rapide a bit of an awkward looking car, but now I’ve seen a few for real, I’ve come to consider them pretty attractive…so photos can mislead….like people, some cars just don’t photograph well.


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