h1415 August 2009 at 21:26 #47619
Gave my rear shock absorbers to VCSA in Croydon for rebuild nearly two YEARS ago….and he still hasn’t even started on them! So can anyone recommend an alternative rebuilder for Armstrong lever arm shock absorbers? The rest of the mechanical rebuild is not far off finished now, so I’m getting concerned.
ALSO! These are non-adjustable ones, which were put on the car in 1952….if anyone has a reasonable pair of the correct type adjustable ones, I’d be interested.DavidLG4516 August 2009 at 08:18 #47620Hi,
Try Stevson Motors http://www.stevsonmotors.co.uk/ They’re in Birmingham. They did my Luvax shocks. It was several years ago but I don’t remember that they were slow. They can possibly help you obtain the right type if you know what you’re looking for.
What model Lagonda are they for?
Good luck
Davidh1416 August 2009 at 09:51 #47621Hi David,
Many thanks…I think Stevsons are Birmingham, which is a bit far north for me, but not so far as to be out of the question. Will call on VCSA on my return from Germany & see what sense I get. Also will be wanting front shock absorbers done now, so will have to extract promise of urgent treatment!
The shock absorbers are for my V12 (dhc).DavidLG4516 August 2009 at 10:42 #47622Yes Birmingham. Not sure about overhauling Armstrong shocks but with Luvax the choice of repairers is very limited, I believe. I couriered mine to Stevson then discussed on the phone. Worked well for me.
Davidh1416 August 2009 at 15:06 #47623Had a look at their website & they seem pretty confident about overhauling anything. So much so it almost sounds as if they won’t touch them unless they’re very rare!
Laurence -
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