Barry Brown27 November 2017 at 22:14 #52558
My first thought was that this was to drive a tachometer but that is driven off the end of the camshaft.Of course it is possible my dynamo came from another make or model.Any ideas? Please advise. Thanks Barry
Alec Rivers-Bowerman28 November 2017 at 23:35 #52559A wild guess, but it looks like it could be an advance/retard system that is attached to the dynamo and should have points and a distributor mounted to it. I believe there is also a magneto on the other side of the engine (I’m not familiar with M45 details…) so the car could run without this working. There is a photo in this ad that seems to show this device.
AlecBarry Brown29 November 2017 at 00:43 #52560Thanks for the reply Alec and link to the interesting M445. I am afraid the drive is still a mystery as the distributor has a right angle gear provision already in place. And of course on the other side of the engine resides the BTH magneto.
Julian Messent1 December 2017 at 14:17 #52561Rev counter drive for such like the early Invicta and the military engines.
Best regards,
Julian -
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