Julian Messent10 October 2014 at 15:17 #51028
Dear All,
Julian Messent and LMB have decided to part ways due to a difference in opinion about leadership and the direction the company should be heading.
Julian will be starting a new company where he will concentrate on his specialties. Where appropriate the companies will assist each other in the future.LMB will continue to provide first class service as a company that specializes in the maintenance, repair and restoration of motorcars, mainly from the 1920-1950 era.
Julian has setup a new company, Historic Competition Services, and will be concentrating on cars roughly between 1925 and 1955 and of course Lagondas and parts production.
We welcome your business as ever and expect to deliver the best service possible.
Julian Messent
+32 489 712 608
+32 3353 3331
http://www.historiccompetitionservices.beThe LMB Team
+32 3354 0552David Bracey11 October 2014 at 10:56 #51029This was a bit of a surprise Julian. I wish you the very best of success for the future and please keep in touch.
bill11 October 2014 at 16:42 #51030Yes.ditto.
Julian, you have always given the very strong impression that ,first and foremost, you are an enthusiast. Your very helpful advice at all times – particularly in your posts on this forum – make this clear I think to everybody .
All the very best for the future.Julian Messent11 October 2014 at 20:25 #51032Hi guys,
Thanks for the comments, Absolutely right, first and foremost an enthusiast and always will be, I appreciate your help in my life and love to help all like minded enthusiasts if at all possible. If I can give back to you guys it is my pleasure.
I will be here to assist whenever you shout.Very best regards
JulianJohn Hugh12 October 2014 at 16:36 #51034Not at all the surprise I was expecting, Julian! Clare and I send our best wishes for the new venture and i thank you for all the help and advice you’ve given me over the years.
All the very best,
Julian Messent12 October 2014 at 17:35 #51035Big thanks John,
You will be welcome as always to phone at any time.Very best regards to you both and will keep you all updated with the new venture.
+32 489 712 608
[email protected]Alistair Crawford14 October 2014 at 07:37 #51038Julian,
All the best for your future venture.
You have generously given a great deal of time and knowledge to this forum which I am sure its members appreciate.
14 October 2014 at 11:04 #51039Good luck from me as well Julian,
Please keep up your posts on this forum, they are always a good read and very informative.
Best of luck
ChrisJulian Messent16 October 2014 at 17:49 #51044Thanks again guys,
I will hopefully be here even more than before ;o)
Looking forward to announcing my plans to you all.Best regards,
JulianJulian Messent23 February 2015 at 14:09 #51171Hi all
Just to let you know that the machine shop and workshop are now up and running at full speed with a busy workshop and at least one complete Lagonda restoration under go.Regards,
JulianJulian Messent28 June 2016 at 18:26 #52028Hi all,
Small mention that the HCS workshop has rather a few special Lagondas in at the moment.
Lovely LG45 DHC once owned and rallied by Allan Good himself,
Another fantastic LG45 DHC came in today from Switzerland for work,
A 2 litre Low chassis in for engine work, 2 Rapiers, a great looking M45 with rare T5 bodywork in for an engine rebuild and gearbox upgrade. Another M45 for restoration and a couple of 4.5 litre engines for upgrades.
Amongs all the rest of the various cars ranging from no less than 3 Talbot Lago T26s, 1 Vauxhall 30/98, 1 Ferarri 250, 2 WO Bentleys, 1 Derby Bentley, 1 Alfa Romeo 1750, 1 Maserati 350GT, 1 Talbot 105 and god knows what I have forgotten while I type this. we are packed and keeping our 6 full time workshop technicians and 2 office staff very busy indeed.
YES I did say ‘6’ 😀 😀
I of course do nothing but drink Coffee and the work just pours in on it’s own but you all knew that already didn’t you 😀 😆 😆
Anyway, it’s 8pm and I had better get back in the workshop to help the pixies fix the cars over night or the guys will shoot me when they get in in the morning and nothing has changed.
Maybe see one or two of you at the Palais het Loo at the weekend?Tatty bye,
Julianbill29 June 2016 at 17:52 #52030Well done Julian. It is good to know that things are going well.
I am sure that even though you are obviously very busy your input to this Forum is appreciated by all – as long as you have enough time to do so !Julian Messent4 July 2016 at 11:08 #52036Thanks Bill,
It’s all of you guys who put me where I am today so I will be here for a while yet :o)
Thanks and best regards,
Julian -
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