• David Eldred
    11 November 2023 at 12:03 #65742

    I need to replace a couple of bent brake rods. What steel should be used? Is it OK to use stainless?


    A H Rivers-Bowerman
    1 December 2023 at 23:58 #65840

    I used 1144 stressproof because it is fairly strong but machines really easily.  You could use a chrome-moly steel like 4140 (sorry about the North American designations) to be way on the safe side.  I suspect the original rods were just hard drawn mild steel.  I don’t know which car you have but on my 16/80 I did some analysis and the most highly stressed part of the system was the short link that connects the pedal lever to the brake cross shaft.  I remade this in 4140.

    20 February 2024 at 23:41 #67195

    I was advised by John Batt in 1999 to use stainless rod. Been on my 2 Litre now for 25 years

    with seemingly no detrimental effect over the rusted mild steel originals.

    When dirty just wipe off with a WD40 soaked cloth!

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